Let's jump for a moment from Holešovice to Karlín. Twenty years ago, almost no one in Karlín saw the attractive, green and activity-packed district we imagined and dreamed of. At that time, we constructed our first residential and administrative buildings, attempting to start the transformation and return Karlín to its splendour. As a result, we created the Iconik, Corso, Two Houses, Kay Riverlofts and Cornlofts Šaldova residences. We were also at the birth of Forum Karlín and Karlín Palace and other buildings that brought vibrant life to the city. Today, "our district" is compared to the most sought-after districts in Berlin or Lisbon. We believe something similar happens in Holešovice, and here we are again.

We love architecture that highlights the spirit of a place, a distinctive design that will endure. This is the architectural language chosen by Pelčák and partner architects with the Berlin studio Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten. This is no coincidental connection - ZigZag Haus is being built in a part of Holešovice that has always been called Little Berlin.
We love architecture that highlights the spirit of a place, a distinctive design that will endure. This is the architectural language chosen by Pelčák and partner architects with the Berlin studio Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten. This is no coincidental connection - ZigZag Haus is being built in a part of Holešovice that has always been called Little Berlin.

What does Holešovice's Little Berlin have in common with the attractive neighbourhoods of the actual Berlin, Zurich, London or Chicago? The iconic viaducts of the elevated railway connect the different parts of the city like living tissue. The façade of the ZigZag Haus will be in harmony with the restored viaduct, but the sound of the trains will not be allowed inside the building.

Our first footprint in Holešovice is The Fizz, an original concept of private student dormitories tailored to students' needs and social life. Those who want to see one of our other award-winning projects can take a pleasant walk from Holešovice along the new HolKa footbridge to Karlín and see what we stand for.

The work of Pelčák and partner architects grows out of an interest in the city as an urban, cultural and historical phenomenon. They have realized over thirty buildings designed for housing, for which they have won numerous awards. Prof. Petr Pelčák worked in Vienna in the 1990s. After that, he designed the reconstruction of the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in his home town of Brno. He lectures architecture at universities in Prague and Bratislava.

The traces of the German studio Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann Architekten are scattered in many European cities. Their Campus Berlin Decks and Palais Europacity are currently under construction in Berlin. They designed the Copernicus Quarter for Antwerp in Belgium and numerous residential buildings in Jena, Dresden and Hannover.
ZigZag Haus is far from the first collaboration between the two studios. They have several award-winning projects under their belts, including the design of the redevelopment of the new centre of Prague's Žižkov and the spectacular campus of the Chemnitz Technical University.